Blogging Hiatus

Hey you guys! It’s been a little while since you’ve heard from me last and it is going to be a little while longer until you’ll properly hear from me again. You might have noticed that I have been posting significantly less this year which is something I want to work on. I loved being more active and posting according to my schedule of a new blog post going up every other day. I just haven’t been able to stick to it recently. I often find myself without any motivation to actually write a new post or to really answer the comments you guys continue to leave on my posts – which I couldn’t be more happy about and grateful for! You guys continue to be amazing with your feedback even when I post less than usual! I want to make sure you guys know just how much I appreciate you and it!


I will probably be getting my wisdom teeth removed towards the middle of March (depending on how my second dentist appointment goes on Monday – my mom and I both talked about the one I had on Thursday and we’re both just baffled that they didn’t do any x-ray images of my jaw/teeth to check if something was wrong there because I have been experiencing some ridiculous pain in my back teeth this past week and a half and instead the dentist just recommended we take out my wisdom teeth to make more room in my jaw as I can’t properly brush the teeth at the very back which obviously isn’t good. But I don’t want to go under – which I would have to do because I can’t have them removed while I’m there for it, my gag reflex would make any kind of operation in my mouth impossible – unless it’s absolutely necessary) and I want to work towards building enough content to go up in the days after and for the weeks after too.


Basically, I want to get back to a place where I have content ready to go on the day it’s supposed to go up instead of writing it only that day. Which is going to put quite some stress on a blogger – especially if they don’t have any ideas yet. I don’t want to put out content that I am not 100% happy with or posts that act more as fillers rather than full out blog posts if you guys know what I mean.

I’ve also been a bit of a bad reader recently (both blogs and books, but more on that in a future post because at least I got a blogging idea out of the books part!!!) and I want to work on that too. I just talked about how much I appreciate the love you guys continuously show for my little corner of the internet and I want to make sure I do that more often again too! You guys deserve at least the same amount of love you give!


Marie’s recent posts have also been really good and I keep finding myself in them and I want to make it more of a mission to be as good a blogger and more importantly, person as Marie is!

I think it’s time for a bit of a brainstorming session these next few days so I can come up with a plan to help make blogging more fun again and to help me be more interactive with you guys outside my own blog!

As of right now, I can’t tell you guys when I’ll be back to blogging again, but if you follow me on Twitter I’ll be sure to let you guys know how things are going! I can’t wait to see all of you again soon! 🙂

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18 thoughts on “Blogging Hiatus

  1. Take all the time you need Swetlana ❤️ I’ve been feeling pretty similar if I’m honest and I like the idea of taking a break to brainstorm posts and pre-write and schedule them ahead so your weeks are less busy! Definitely something I will want to try!

    And if you need any info about the whole wisdom teeth removal thing, let me know 😉 I’m still recovering from my operation on Monday but it wasn’t even half as bad as I expected! Hope your next dentist appointment goes well and don’t stress about the blog too much.

    Take care of yourself! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can highly recommend doing it, Jackie! I haven’t been as PRODUCTIVE as far as post planning goes as I was today! I literally planned out all my post for March in just a couple of hours??? I would like to know where THAT motivation was when I needed it. xD But yeah, I can’t wait to get to writing those posts in the next couple of days/weeks! 😀

      I will definitely let you know, Jackie! Did they put you under for the operation too or where you able to get it done with just a örtliche Betäubung?

      Thank you, Jackie! You do too – or as much as you can while recovering! ❤

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      1. Omg all your posts and pictures have motivated me SO MUCH, I’ll definitely be trying your method!

        Nooo I had the local anaesthesia thing and it was totally fine for me! I was even talking to my doc during the procedure and stuff 😂 Are your wisdom teeth “out” already or are they still hidden in your gums

        Thank you 💖

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        1. HA! I wish I could be that chill whenever I’m at the dentist! But then today’s appointment went about a MILLION times better and my gag reflex only really came up like two times or something and then she was able to work on the tooth that was hurting NO PROBLEM.

          That’s a good question and probably something I should be able to answer, but I have no idea. xD I think my bottom right one is out a bit (if I understood my dentist correctly) but the rest aren’t.

          Also, I was totally hoping the second dentist would tell me that I DON’T have to actually get my wisdom teeth removed but no such luck. She was like ‘Oh, no. They definitely need to go. You don’t need them anyways!’. xD

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          1. ahh that’s good to hear!

            and omg okay if only one of them is really out then I would DEFINITELY recommend going fully under especially if you have a bad gag reflex! Getting your wisdom teeth removed is honestly not as bad as everyone makes it out to be haha I didn’t have ANY pain at all and it was pretty chill, but to be fair, two of my teeth were already out and I didn’t even notice the doc pulling them out until he told me we’re done XD but let me know how it goes and good luck! ❤

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  2. I’ll miss your posts, but I totally get needing to take a break… I’m sort of feeling the same way about blogging right now. I just don’t have the motivation. So you take all the time that you need. 😃

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  3. I’m going to miss your posts, but I also fully support you taking the time to de-stress and trying to get to a point where you are excited about the content to put up and feeling better about blogging! ♥ I think it’s important to take care of yourself and work out how to make blogging fun for you again ♥

    Oh no, I hope things with your teeth get better 😮 I had problems with mine at the beginning of the year and it was the WORST, especially as going to the dentist makes me incredibly anxious D: I’m sending you all the good vibes ♥

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    1. Thank you for your very sweet words, Caro! As you saw earlier, today has already been a pretty successful day so hopefully with a few more of this the next couple of days and weeks, I’ll get back to feeling super excited and motivated about blogging!

      I am not the biggest fan of going to the dentist either! And it’s not even the DENTIST part itself, it’s usually just because I can’t have all these instruments and cotton things in my mouth without my gag reflex having a field day… this time was especially bad but I’ll spare you the details. xD Thank you for the good vibes! ❤

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      1. I was so happy to see that you made so much progress and managed to plan quite a lot! 🙂 I definitely hope that you have more amazing days like that!

        Oh no that sounds horrible 😮 My problem usually is that I have no pain tolerance 😮 I really hope that things work out for your ♥

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        1. I’ve slowly been working on new posts here and there so it has been going okay! 🙂

          Thank you! My appointment at a different dentist went much better today and she ACTUALLY did something for my pain which is fantastic but I’ll still have to get my wisdom teeth taken out. And I am SO bad with pain too. And painkillers can never work fast enough for me either. I have ZERO patience for these kinds of things so that’s going to be a rather interesting experience! xD

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          1. Honestly, next week should be known as the week Swetlana spends too much time at various dentist offices. xD I have three appointments with three different doctors in three different locations! But two of the doctors at least work for the same Arztpraxis but they have multiple locations. I’m also getting a Schiene for my upper teeth so I can’t wait to see what that is going to be all about. xD


  4. If you’re looking or me, I’m crying as I’m reading this because why are you so sweet, I feel way too honored to be mentioned in this, I don’t know what to say 😭 You are way too sweet, thank you ❤ ❤ But you are a fantastic blogger, let me tell you that, you really are and all of your blog posts are always amazing to read ❤ I hope this little hiatus will do you good and I will miss you for sure – if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm always here to chat anywhere, via twitter DMs or anything ❤
    I hope your dentist's appointment will go well, I'm sendin you all the love and hugs ❤ ❤

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    1. Hahahaha, can I join you in your corner while you cry because you absolutely made me tear up too!

      And I really, really appreciate the offer of coming to you with about anything! I might be one of the worst people when it comes to reaching out to people especially when I feel like I haven’t gotten to know them as well yet but just knowing that someone is willing to listen is great! Thank you! ❤

      Thanks for the love and hugs! I really hope I'll be as calm and collected once it's time for my appointment as I have been the past few days! 🙂

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