The Currently Reading Tag

The other day, I stumbled upon a super fun tag Kelly over at Another Book In The Wall did on her blog and as I was reading the questions I kept finding myself wanting to answer them too. They’re quick and easy to answer questions and don’t make you think about any specific books (which is always a big plus, I swear whenever someone asks me to think of books for questions my mind just blanks…) so this tag was pretty much made for me?

Phew, okay. I just had to click my way through about ten different blogs to find out who created this tag originally and guys, I was successful: Charly Reynhorse over onย  YouTube! And now that we’ve done that, let’s jump right into this tag, shall we?

How Many Books Do You Usually Read At Once?

UnbenanntI would say at least two at any given point in time: a physical book and an audiobook that I’ll listen to when I’m out and about by myself.

Here’s a look at what’s on my Currently Reading shelf over on Goodreads right now. I’m buddy reading Shadow and Bone with Caro to get ourselves ready for the release of King Of Scars in January (this is Caro’s first time reading the books so I’m super curious to see her reactions and what she thinks of this world! I’m doing my first ever reread of the Grisha trilogy and I am super curious if/how my feelings change on characters the trilogy as a whole!

My audiobook of choice at the moment is Crazy Rich Asians though it is taking me a bit to get through it – I might need an afternoon of taking a walk around where I live, I think! And lastly, I’m still trying to get through Outrun The Wind which is actually taking me forever to read. URGH. Plus, this book has some ridiculously long chapters and those are my biggest enemy when it comes to getting a lot read.

How Do You Decide When To Switch Between Multiple Reads?

I’m a mood reader through and through, so usually, I’ll switch whenever to something else whenever I feel like it. But then again, sometimes I’ll get so sucked into a story that I read the book until I’m done before I pick up either of the other books I’m reading too.

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Do You Ever Switch Bookmarks Partway Through A Book?

Never! My bookmark of choice is actually this little ruler type thing that has my sticky tabs on it, so as long as I’m reading a certain book that’ll be the bookmark for the entire time.

Where Do You Keep the Book(s) Youโ€™re Currently Reading?

It used to be on/in my bed, right next to my pillow for the longest time but I’ve since made the smart decision to actually use a nightstand for my books and journals (plus, to put down my coffee so it’s closer to me) so that’s where they live now. ๐Ÿ™‚

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What Time Of Day Do You Read The Most?

I feel like I get about 80% of my reading done at night. This used to be the case especially when I still lived at home because everyone would be asleep and I wouldn’t get distracted and it’s still true now that I live by myself and the only one distracting me from getting reading done is myself (honestly, I’m my worst enemy 90% of the time).

How Long Do You Typically Read In One Session?

This various, a lot! When I’m doing buddy reads I’ll usually read to fulfill the daily page goal to make sure I don’t fall behind (which I’ll still do) and then if I want to read more, I’ll do that. And other times I’ll spend hours on end reading a book, probably until I turn the final page and there’s nothing more for me to read. This will happen a lot with anticipated contemporary novels. I’ll sit down to read and before I know it, I’ve finished the book and hours upon hours have passed.

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Do You Read Hardbacks With the Dust Jacket Off?

Usually, off! I feel like I’m too clumsy to keep the jacket on. xD I’ll only put it back on once I’m done reading for the day – they make for great bookmarks too, by the way!

What Position Do You Mainly Use To Read?

95% of the time, I’m laying down in bed! Since I do most of my reading at night anyway, I’m usually in bed too. And since I love to write down notes and stuff in my books while reading, I’m usually on my back too. I can’t write as well when I’m laying down on my stomach or side.

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Do You Take Your Current Read With You Everywhere You Go?

My audiobook, yes. Physical copies usually not. Unless I know I’ll have time to actually read my physical copy, then I’ll bring it. I stayed at my parents’ this past weekend so my 16-year-old brother wouldn’t be by himself at night so I did bring a physical book to read as I don’t really have to active watch him unlike when I babysit my nephews, for example.

How Often Do You Update Your Goodreads Reading Progress?

Usually, at the end of a reading session. Unless something really exciting, horrible, sad, etc. happens then I’ll probably update more often. I also have to say, I used to update a lot more a couple of years ago and my updates used to actually tell me how I was feeling any given book, unlike these days. And I need to change that – it would make reviewing much easier.

Grab Your Coffee And Let's Talk!

Okay, let’s see who we should tag for this post! Since I’ve already mentioned you, I’ll go with Caro from bookcheshirecat and also Kaysie over at BlessedlyBookish, Beth at Reading Every Night, Sarah at Thoughts Of The Readerย andย Iris over at Hoard Of Books!

I obviously want to hear from you guys too, so:

  • How many books do you read at once?
  • When do you get most of your reading done?
  • How often do you update your reading progress?
  • Dust Jacket: off or on while reading?

Let me know down in the comments below and if you want to do this tag too, please leave a pingback so I can check out you guys’ posts too!

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37 thoughts on “The Currently Reading Tag

  1. Lovely answers for this tag! ๐Ÿ™‚ I also feel like updating my goodreads regularly while reading would help a lot with the reviewing process, but I can’t bring myself to do it for some reason, I’m just reading until the very last moment I have to get back to work/ get off the train/ go do something else or get distracted by someone -ughhhhhhhh- and then I completely forget about it haha. And I admire you reading so many books at a time, I can only properly focus on one book haha ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I usually read no more than two books.

    I get my reading done at home.

    I update my reading progress with each percentage or page amount read.

    I leave dust jackets off.

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  3. omggg i so admire people who get most of their reading done at night. i feel like i used to be that way and now i fall asleep after like 1 chapter. who am i. what have i become

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like it’s probably partly down to the fact that I’m a night owl! I’m the most productive at night anyways so it makes sense that I get most of my reading done then. ๐Ÿ˜€ But my days are also pretty chill so that is definitely a big plus too – I don’t know if I would be able to do this if I worked 8 hours a day and stuff! Wait, I KNOW I wouldn’t be able to do that. While I was in school I got barely any reading done and school is easier usually than a fulltime job. xD

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  4. Hahaha, I think I am actually incapable of reading an entire book without losing AT LEAST one bookmark… So I am impressed! ๐Ÿ˜€

    And aww, thanks so much for tagging me, but I’ve actually already done this one! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  5. I get why you wanted to do this tag, these are some great questions! I wish I could switch between books I’m reading at the same time, but even when there’s no deadline, I get stressed out thinking how long it’s taking me to jump back and forth without finishing anything.

    I thought it was funny how you mentioned you used to sleep with your books. I never used to do it, but now I do. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night and can’t go back to sleep, so instead of reaching for my phone and browsing through Instagram, I try to get a few more pages read. Usually puts me right back to sleep! ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, a bedside lamp is a must! There are so many nice ones too. I have one from IKEA that grips the side of my table and works a little more like a flashlight than a lamp ^_^

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  6. I also used to read two books at once, one physical and, rather than an audiobook, an ebook. I like having two options since physical books are a struggle to bring around, so when I’m not at home, I take out my phone and head over to my ebook. ๐Ÿ™‚ Recently, though, I’ve been reading SO slowly that I can only mentally handle one book at a time. D: And I’m really forgetful, so I usually leave the jacket on since I immediately dive into books without second thoughts, but when I do remember to, I prefer the jackets to be off so that I don’t mess them up–this way, there are more reading positions I can do without destroying the dust jackets. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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  7. Oh thanks so much for the tag Swetlana. ๐Ÿ™‚ Everytime I read tags I automatically think of what my answers would be so Iโ€™ve pretty much already drafted this post in my head. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Iโ€™m kind of in awe of people who can read more than one book at once, I think Iโ€™d get too confused between the different storylines and characters if I attempted that. Also I tend to get most of my reading done in the evenings, Iโ€™m a night owl, I always read hardcovers with the dust jackets off, Iโ€™m too worried about damaging them, and I only really update my Goodreads reading progress with the beginning and ending of the books Iโ€™ve read. I should probably update more than that though, itโ€™s the whole point of GR right?!
    Great post, and again thanks for the tag! ๐Ÿ™‚ โค๏ธ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha, YAY!

      Apparently I’m not really able to do read two books at the same time? I told myself I’d continue my buddy read of the Grisha trilogy while also continuing my Heir Of Fire reread on the side… needless to say, I’ve since finished the second book in the Grisha trilogy but haven’t made any further progress on Heir Of Fire yet – I got SO sucked into the story. xD

      I can’t wait to read your answers for the rest of the questions, Beth! ๐Ÿ˜€

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  8. I used to get most of my reading done at night too, but now I prefer reading when there’s daylight in the morning. However I’m 100% like you in the way that I love reading in my bed โค Also I'm totally a mood reader as well and can read up to three books at the same time.

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  9. Oooh, this is a great tag – stealing it to go in my tag-pile-of-eventually. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m a read-at-night person too… it’s a great way to settle down and let go of all the chaos of the day. I’m a three-book person too, one physical, one audio, and right now one audiobook that I’m buddy reading with my husband. More if there are ARCs… but I feel like three is a good number to keep from getting my wires too crossed. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great answers! ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Hahahaha, I have one of those too! They are a great thing for when you are just absolutely STUCK on ideas!

      I NEVER actually wind down from the day from reading though. I’ll get super into the story and spends hours and hours reading and before I know it, it’s the middle of the night and I should’ve been asleep hours ago. xD

      Thank you, Amber!

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  10. I usually read two books at a time too- one e-book and physical book. It’s just easier to switch them up ๐Ÿ˜€ I always get most of my reading done at night, but I always try to stop myself especially in weekdays because I tend to not getting enough sleep if I read before bed xD

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  11. Thank you so much for tagging me, I would love to answer the questions sometime ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—
    I used to be such a ‘single book at a time’ reader, but now I read several books a lot more often xD I like this a lot, as long as it doesn’t get too much ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m a fellow Nightowl when it comes to reading, my best concentration & motivation for reading is in the evening ๐Ÿ™‚ I cannot be bothered to read in the morning, as I always get up pretty late xD

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